• Question: Do you ever consider the fact that you won't be able to cure anything even if you aren't working on it like Ebola or Small pox ???? I voted for u by the way ;) x

    Asked by Megz to Ali on 17 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      Hi Megz, thanks for voting for me! I really appreciate it!

      I’m not too worried about not being able to cure the disease I’m working on, because I know that I have at least contributed to the information we actually do know about it. It’s kind of nice that I play a part like that!

      As for small pox, that’s already been cured! By a man called Edward Jenner. It’s a really cool story actually – he noticed that milk maids and cow farmers didn’t seem to catch small pox, and theorised that they had been immunised by a less severe version of the disease that is found in cows – cowpox.
      He discovered that you could inoculate people against small pox using the cow pox!

      Thanks for the question =)
