• Question: do you know how to cure ebola

    Asked by god 69 to Theo, Philip, Kerry, Ali, Alex on 9 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alex Pool

      Alex Pool answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      I wish I did! There are a lot of scientists all around the world currently working to try and cure Ebola. A lot of work is being done to try and create a vaccine that would then protect people from catching it.

      So hopefully with all the people working on it, and a better understanding of the virus will mean that fewer people catch Ebola soon.

      Here in the UK we’re very unlikely to have an outbreak, but that doesn’t make it any less bad for the rest of the world.

    • Photo: Theo Laftsoglou

      Theo Laftsoglou answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      I totally agree with Alex, as I’m pretty clueless about it too. But I’ve heard that there is a lot of progress in understanding how the Ebola virus causes the disease, as many scientists around the world have teamed-up.

    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Yep! What Alex and Theo said! Because it has become quite a dangerous epidemic, it has jumped to the top of the list of things for scientists to cure!
      Loads of money is being spent on finding a cure, so they can’t be that far away now!
