• Question: Don't worry about not answering me in the chat, I was just wondering why we get addicted to things, even though we know they are bad for us?

    Asked by Olidatguy to Ali on 17 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      We get addicted to things usually for chemical reasons.
      Take chocolate for example – when we eat it, there are some chemicals in it that cause addiction, and one of them is ‘tryptophan’, which turns in to a chemical called ‘serotonin’, which is the chemical that controls our mood. When we have more serotonin, we’re happier!

      So this leads to my favourite conclusion in the whole wide world:

      Chocolate = happiness!

      Sorry I didn’t get a chance to answer this question in our chat session! Hope you liked the answer!

