• Question: ebola is currently a major problem especially in the peaceful country of Nigeria. do you think that pharmacists will produce a life saving drug to prevent this disease before it ends the world or worse creates a zombie apocalypse

    Asked by diddykong to Alex, Ali, Kerry, Philip, Theo on 9 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alex Pool

      Alex Pool answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      Ebola is definitely a major problem – but you can rest safe that it won’t cause a zombie apocalypse.

      Lots of research is currently being done to try and tackle Ebola, with a lot of work being done to try and create a vaccine against it. So yes I definitely think that a drug or vaccine will come out to combat this disease.

      The chances of an outbreak occurring here in the UK are very small. Our health system is very high, as well as a lot of procedures being put in place to quarantine people who have been exposed so you’re quite safe.

    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      I agree with Alex; we have a lot of people working around the world on a cure so I think they will produce a drug for it pretty soon!
      As for the zombie apocalypse, like Alex says, you don’t need to worry about that!

