• Question: Hi Ali I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to achieve the goal of being a scientist

    Asked by shazzy101 to Ali on 19 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      Hi Shazzy,

      Well that’s quite a big question! It all depends on what type of scientist you’d like to be! So first of all I think you need to work out if you prefer Biology, Physics, or Chemistry – or even a mix of them! There are loads of Biochemists and Biophysicists out there.
      Then I’d suggest taking your preferred subjects for A level, and then applying for university courses in whatever you’d like to do!
      Most science based university degrees will allow you to go on and do further work in science, so it’s just a case of working out what direction you want to go in.
      Hope that helps!

