• Question: hi :) lots of of people think life began with the big bang, and think that before this only the atmosphere was around but how did the atmosphere get created? and if the big bang did occur how was it created? and what created what caused the big bang?

    Asked by Kate to Theo, Philip, Kerry, Ali, Alex on 10 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by purpleelephant, 635eura27.
    • Photo: Alex Pool

      Alex Pool answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Wow, big question Kate!

      To be honest no one knows. Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, as soon as that happened then matter existed and time started. But as to what caused the Big Bang itself no one knows.

    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      This question is making my head spin!
      But I certainly have to agree with Alex – nothing existed, not even time, and then the big bang occurred.
      That’s a huge question to comprehend – if you ever discover a definite answer then please let me know!!


    • Photo: Philip Ratcliffe

      Philip Ratcliffe answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      Gosh! Well, if that’s what they think, then we’ve got a big job on our hands straightening them out. Seriously though, you mixed up a few ideas that are either seriously out of temporal order or are not quite linked.
      First of all “life” (as in animals or plants etc.) starts an awful lot later. What was before the big bang is as unknown to me as it is to anyone. However, I can categorically state that there was no atmosphere.
      Hmm, well, first off there’s nothing special about atmosphere, it’s just gas, i.e. atoms and molecules of different types and again is something that again gets created some time after the big bang.
      The problem is that we know where we are now and we know where we’re going and can also therefore work out where we came from. And in this way (we think) we can trace everything e see back to one single point in space and time, just as though there had indeed been a big bang. However, just like after a bomb explodes I can probably work out where (from the directions in which all the bits flew out), but I can tell you who put it there or where it came from.
      There are actually still lot of tough questions to answer about what happened between the big bang and us here and now and we really ought to have those sorted out first.
