• Question: how do monkeys grow tails

    Asked by diddykong to Alex, Ali, Kerry, Philip, Theo on 13 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Philip Ratcliffe

      Philip Ratcliffe answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      I don’t want to awkward, but are you joking? Why not ask how human beings grow thumbs? What’s the difference?
      Ok, so you would’ve liked to have a tail. Quite right, it’s actually rather useful as it helps keep balance. In fact, you’re probably right to be envious: in our distant past, between being monkeys and turning into, say, Neanderthal Man we lost our tails. Why? Well, once we started walking on two feet, we had two arms to help keep our balance and so didn’t need a tail anymore, like lots of other animals that don’t have one or have only a small one. So, during the millions of years of evolution we lost our tails.
      Well, that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!
