• Question: How dose the heart work

    Asked by Ammon to Ali on 8 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 8 Nov 2014:

      The heart is actually a huge big muscle that squeezes super hard to make your blood travel around your body in a system called the Circulatory System.

      So the heart is divided into 4 compartments, the first one (the ‘right atrium’) collects the blood coming in from the rest of your body, then it flows in to the second compartment (the right ventricle) which is has a big muscle that squeezes and sends the blood to your lungs so that it can pick up some air. When it comes back from the lungs it goes in to the third compartment (the left atrium), and then in to the last compartment (the left ventricle) where an even bigger muscle gives an even bigger squeeze and sends the blood off around your body! Pretty cool huh?
