• Question: In the future when there is so much rubbish that we don't have room for on the earth what will we do?

    Asked by freyawilliams to Alex, Ali, Kerry on 20 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alex Pool

      Alex Pool answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      Great question! And that’s what a lot of people are arguing about at the moment, and why there’s such a big push for people to recycle so that we don’t just fill the Earth with rubbish but instead re-use it all.

      The simple answer is that no one really knows – which is slightly terrifying! We really need to recycle and re-use as much as possible, or as you say there won’t be enough room left for any more rubbish.

    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      I honestly don’t know! I agree with Alex – it’s a huge debate topic right now and we all need to recycle more. Did you know that in Germany they recycle almost everything, and they can be charged for not putting their recycling in the correct bin!!!

      Let’s hope that someone comes up with a solution soon! I know that there is a huge floating mass of rubbish in the pacific ocean called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It all floated together to that one point because of all of the currents in the ocean.

      Obviously we can’t chuck all of our rubbish in the ocean, so now we just need a solution!
