• Question: PV284eura48:if you was a doctor in WW2 what would you do to a injured man?

    Asked by 284eura48 to Theo, Alex on 10 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alex Pool

      Alex Pool answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Wow, tough question. I’m not a doctor so really hard, but I know a bit of first aid.

      The first bit would be to stop any bleeding by putting pressure on a wound. This allows the platelets in your blood to bind together and create a blockage (the makings of a scab) to stop the bleeding. After that you’d need to clean the area if it’s a big wound to make sure no bacteria get in which would cause an infection, before then sewing the wound up.

      If it was a big wound then you’d give the patient antibiotics to stop any infection (as any cleaning wouldn’t have been perfect).

      I’m sure a medical doctor or surgeon would be able to give you a much better answer though.

    • Photo: Theo Laftsoglou

      Theo Laftsoglou answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      I think I’d personally help them regardless whether they were a friend or enemy. The idea of wars and conflicts is quite upsetting to me, as in the end we are all humans 🙂
