• Question: what did the human brain look like when u disected the human body was it all sticky and did u throw up

    Asked by eviltwin69 to Ali on 8 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by charlotte N-S.
    • Photo: Alison Thomson

      Alison Thomson answered on 8 Nov 2014:

      It was grey and looked just like all the cartoon pictures of brains you see! It wasn’t too sticky, but it was quite wet and rubbery – almost like a bouncy ball! It smelled of formaldehyde too (the chemical we cover the bodies in to stop them going mouldy and decomposing). I have to admit, I was a little grossed out by it – especially since we had to cut the skull open so that we could take the brain out!
      The first time I ever saw a dead body I nearly threw up – I was queazy for the rest of the day! I’m used to it now though, so I don’t get quite so grossed out. I also really respect the individual who has donated their body to science so that I can learn – it’s a really great act of kindness!
