• Question: What is the most complex cell you have grown and studied

    Asked by cheeseydonkey to Alex on 9 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Alex Pool

      Alex Pool answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      I’m currently growing some cells called MCF10A (they all have horrendous names!). MCF10A are cells that were originally from someone’s breast but we now just grow in the lab.

      Cells grow in a liquid which we called “medium” which contains all the nutrients they need to grow. Most cells are really easy and you just put the medium on top and they’re really happy. These cells though are really fussy!! You have to add about ten other things to the medium else they don’t want to grow so takes a lot more time.

      If you add even slightly the wrong amount then the cells start to misbehave and you have to start the experiment again.

      I’m currently growing some cells from monkey kidneys – thankfully they just like medium without anything else so nice and easy – but that’s pretty cool!
