• Question: what was your biggest project

    Asked by science is swag to Alex, Ali, Kerry, Philip, Theo on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Kerry O'Shea

      Kerry O'Shea answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      The research I’m doing now is my biggest project, I’m part of a large collaboration of 14 universities and 4 companies from all across Europe. We are all working towards the same goal, the project started in 2010 and will finish at the end of next year, so it’s a big project!

    • Photo: Philip Ratcliffe

      Philip Ratcliffe answered on 18 Nov 2014:

      Well I’ve done a couple of calculations that took several months to set up and understand and then complete, but that’s just normal for this sort of research. They both ended up as a paper published in one of the most important journals in my field. But that’s it and then we move on to another project.
